You can’t get away with charging top dollar for your youtube videos or “ebooks”. Its pretty obvious that there is enough free content online now.

Not only is this free content readily available everywhere, its actually really good content.

Answers to everything and anything are literally a quick Google away.

Personally, I love to Pinterest and it always blows my mind when I see the most incredible value packed infographics and articles that leave me thinking “I can’t believe I’m not paying for this!”

What does this mean for YOU and your brand/business?

First it is important to know that what is DOES NOT mean is that sharing your information and expertise online is useless given all the others already doing it at such high levels.

What is DOES mean is your audience (and potential clients) are looking for more. They want more accountability, they want someone (YOU) to actually work with them, more coaching, more help, more VALUE!

It’s one thing to get everything you are looking to do for free on the internet. But how annoying is it to youtube and pinterest your heart out?

People want to work with people. They want to be told what to do and they want a coach to show them the way.

This is exactly why higher value online coaching and coaching programs are killing it right now (and I highly doubt they are going anywhere anytime soon).

If you have been considering creating your own online course, then here’s a virtual high-five from me.

My signature Build Your Fitness & Health Empire program is a high-value online course and its been a game changer in my business

All of my courses are, and in this post, I would like to share with you the tools I use in order to create my killer online programs and deliver it to my clients in the best way possible.

#1 Webcam


If you are going to produce some how to videos or do webinars you are going to want to invest in a good quality webcam.  Most computers come with a built in webcam but they are poor quality. You want something like the Logitech C920 1080p model which is great quality, uses a USB port to run, and is super easy to get started using…right now!

#2 Snagit


I do a LOT of screen captures explaining how to do something techy in my program, so I need something very easy to use. I have tried several, but Snagit seems to be the best one I have found. I can simply click a button to take a screen picture or I can click a button to screen capture a video.

I can also select the portion of the screen that I would like to capture rather than the whole screen.

Using the Print Screen button on my keyboard also starts up this program so I can take a quick picture of what I am looking at on my screen and then use this picture to explain how to do something to one of my clients!

#3 Blue Microphones Snowball


If you are going to be speaking than people need to be able to understand what you are saying CLEARLY so a great microphone is a MUST!  I like the Blue Microphone Snowball. It has amazing studio quality sound and is a USB plug n play.

#4 Canva


Who doesn’t love CANVA!!!  I  can spend hours in here creating my program graphics for my Facebook Ads, program content, pdf downloads, you name it! Hiring a graphic designer can get SUPER expensive…so being able to do most of your own designs yourself will save you lots of mulahhh and you will look like a PRO 😉

#5 Clickfunnels (Page Builder + Course Hosting)



You have a course created…Now where do you put it??? When creating something amazing you need to put it somewhere amazing. I like Clickfunnels to host my online course because it has great functionality and integrates with other software programs I am using.

#6 Aweber 

You will need an email service provider.

Here’s the thing, personally I am using a pretty robust system called Infusionsoft. BUT I have listed Aweber here because I do not want you to start with Infusionsoft if/when you are just getting started (its expensive and really clunky with all the bells and whistles you will likely not need to use for a while).

Aweber is a much better option. It is cost effective and it will have all the functionality you need to get going.

This is the software you will use to automate your email  sequences while  enrolling new  leads into your sales funnel.

#7 Clickfunnels (Lead Generation)


In order to get your leads into a funnel so you can sell to them, you will need lead generation software. Again, I recommend Clickfunnels as it ties everything together nicely.

#8 Gotowebinar


The first thing I do when planning a webinar is book it into Gotowebinar.  This software is easy to use and people can dial in easily on their phone or on their computer and listen in.

The software easily integrates with my other software choices and it sends reminder emails to those who pre-register for my webinars. All they need is the meeting ID it generates and when it’s go time…they use it to get in!

#9 Payment Processor


When setting up your online business, of course you want to get paid! Keep it simple!  Stripe and paypal are easy options to get set up with fast. If you need help getting them integrated into your website, you can always get a developer to help you if needed.


#10 Slack



Slack is a great communication tool within your business. You can communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime! Need something? Why wait for an email to come back, get a response right away. Lots of other programs, such as dropbox can be integrated into the easy to use software as well.


#11 Facebook ads account

Facebook ads is a great way to get people to register early for your upcoming webinar. You can target exactly who you would think would be interested, pick demographic, all sorts of criteria. It costs money but is fairly reasonable depending on what you want as an outcome.